If you have any questions, you may visit our FAQ page dedicated to Civil Registry and Certificates Request (certificate of citizenship, household composition, civil status, comprehensive certificate, affidavit of being one and the same person, registration in the consular database).
NOTICE: As of January 1, 2018, all vital records (certificates of birth, marriage and death) submitted to this Consulate for processing must be accompanied by their full translation into Italian done by one of the translators listed with this Consulate, just as required for any other document submitted in languages other than Italian.
The Consulate does not carry out translations.
Click here for information on how to apply for a translation with an ATIO certified translator.
Original Documents submitted to the Consulate as part of Civil Registry applications are not returned.
The Consulate General of Italy in Toronto, which provides consular services to Italian citizens who reside within its jurisdiction and are registered in AIRE (the registry of Italians living abroad), forwards birth, marriage and death certificates issued by Canadian authorities to the Italian municipalities for registration.
The documents indicated below may be submitted to this Consulate General, or to an Honorary Vice Consulate or to Consular Correspondents or sent by mail.
- The certificates must be originals and will be retained by the Consulate.
- The type of certificate required is the “Certified Copy of Registration” (Long Form). Please note that “wallet size” certificates are not valid for registration purposes in Italy, and will therefore not be accepted. For further information relating to the certificates consult the following links: for Ontario, for Manitoba and for NW Territories.
- Certified Copies of Registration – Long Form must be apostilled by the relevant Canadian Authority (either Global Affairs Canada or the Ministry for Public and Business Service Delivery of Ontario), if issued in Canada. If issued abroad, they will have to be apostilled by the competent foreign Authority and/or legalized by the relevant Italian Consulate.
The registration service is provided free of charge. There is, however, a Consular fee for the legalization of the translator’s signature (art. 69 of the consular fee),if not apostilled.
When applying for the registration of vital certificates, the last place of residency in Italy must be specified.
The documentation (indicated in each relevant section of the website birth, marriage, death; civil union; divorce), correct and complete, must be sent to the Consulate by mail or by courier service, to the address:
Consulate General of Italy
136 Beverley Street
Toronto, M5T 1Y5, ON
Civil Registry
It is recommended to include in the envelope an additional “Xpress post” (or other courier service) envelope pre-stamped and self-addressed for the return of documents, in case of incomplete application (incorrect or missing documents). Kindly note that if the application can be processed as correct and complete, original certificates are not returned.
Subsequent to the entry into effect of the Convention of the Hague on the Apostille in Canada (January 11, 2024), the Consulate is no longer responsible for legalizations of Canadian civil registry documents to be used in a different jurisdiction.
If you are not resident in the jurisdiction of this Consulate and you have to provide your Italian Consulate of reference with civil registry documents issued in Canada, you will have to apply for the Apostille with the relevant Canadian Authority.
An Apostille is a certificate that accompanies the original document it refers to. The Apostille eliminates steps required to get documents accepted in countries where the convention is in effect (including Italy). As an example, if a document carries the apostille, the legalization by the Consulate General of Italy will no longer be required.
a) If a document has been issued by the Authorities of Manitoba or North West Territories or if it has been notarized by Manitoba or NWT Authorities, the Apostille will be issued by Global Affairs Canada.
Click here for information on the procedure to apply for an Apostille issued by Global Affairs Canada.
b) If a document has been issued or notarized in Ontario, the request for an Apostille will have to be sent to the Ministry for Public and Business Service Delivery of Ontario.
Click here for information on the procedure to apply for an Apostille issued by MPSBD Ontario.
If a document carries the Apostille, it does not require further legalization by the Consulate.
If the document has to be translated into Italian, click here for more information.
To know more about our services and how to apply for registration in Italy of vital records issued by local Authorities within the jurisdiction of the Consulate General of Italy in Toronto, click on the relevant item of the list below: