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Contact us

Consulate General of Italy in Toronto


136 Beverley Street –

Toronto (Ontario) M5T 1Y5

Tel: 001 – 416-977-1566 (switchboard*)


Monday to Friday, from 9.00 am to 1.00pm, by appointment only.

*Hours of operation of the switchboard

Until 31 October 2022: Monday – Friday, from 9.00 to 13.00
From 1 November 2022: Monday – Friday, from 10.00 to 12.00

During the opening hours to the public, there may be long waiting times on the phone.
Switchboard operators are not authorized to provide detailed information on individual cases and cannot provide appointments.
General information provided by switchboard operators is already available on this website, which we invite you to read carefully as it contains updated and detailed information on the vast majority of consular procedures.

Appointments for Passports, Schengen Visas and Citizenship by descent, must be taken on the Prenot@mi system.

Registration with the AIRE and change of address must be processed through the web portal portale FAST IT.

Most of the remaining consular services can be requested by post, as indicated in the dedicated sections of this website.

The following email addresses may be used for special queries, which are not already answered on this web site.

Consul General: Dr. Luca Zelioli
Consul: Dr. ssa Giulia Romani

Office of the Consul General
Tel.: +1 (416) 977 1566 Est. 213
(no consular/visa related requests)
E-mail :
(no consular/visa related requests)

Administrative Office
Vice Comm. Amministrativo – Contabile Dr.ssa  Tiziana Grasso

Consular – Visa Office
Head of Office: Consul, Dr.ssa Giulia Romani
Deputy: Vice Comm. Amministrativo, Consolare e Sociale, Dr.ssa Ilaria Olivotti

We do NOT provide feedback to questions submitted via email whose answer may be found on this website, in the dedicated section.

Consular/Visa Departments:

– Passports
Appointments must be bookd via Prenot@mi.
PEC Passaporti:

Electronic Identity Cards (CIE)
Appointments must be booked via Prenot@mi

– Vital Records (Stato Civile) and AIRE (Anagrafe degli italiani residenti all’estero)
E-Mail :

– Notary Services (Procure, Legalizzazioni, Successioni, Codici Fiscali)

Repatriation of Mortal Remains and Ashes
For information on how to apply, click here

– Citizenship
Appointment for citizenship by descent must be booked through Prenot@mi. For other information click here.

– Visa
Appointments for Schengen Visas must be booked through Prenot@mi. Click on this link for information related to National visas.

Ufficio Scuola, Enti gestori e Dichiarazioni di Valore (Schools, Declarations of Value)
Consul, Dr.ssa Giulia Romani

Cultural Affairs

Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Toronto

Trade and Tourism
– Agenzia-ICE
– Camera di Commercio Italiana in Ontario

EMERGENCY NUMBER: +1 416-456-3355
ONLY IN CASE OF EMERGENCIES concerning ITALIAN NATIONALS, outside business hours.

The emergency number is operational outside normal business hours, from 4.00 pm to 9.00 pm on working days and from 8.00 am to 9.00 pm on holidays, only in case of proven emergency (accidents, arrests, serious and urgent health problems etc.).
The duty officer listens to any messages left on the voicemail and calls you back if circumstances so require. In the event of messages regarding requests for ordinary consular services, visas and appointments, the caller will not be called back, as the emergency number is addressed exclusively to cases of proven emergency.




mappa sede Toronto