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Lost or Stolen Passport or other IDs

In case of lost or stolen passport and other IDs, it is always necessary to contact a local Police Office and make a report.

Once you have a copy of the local Police report, you can contact this Consulate in order to make an appointment to get a new passport.

On the day of the appointment, you must bring a copy of the Police report along with all the documents needed to apply for a new passport. Please read carefully the relevant section of this website.
You will have to fill out another report for this Consulate (template below).

If your application is complete and there are no other impediments, this Consulate may issue a new passport.

If you are not registered with the AIRE in this consular jurisdiction, this Consulate will not be able to issue your passport on the same day of the appointment, as we will have to contact the Consular Office or Police Office in Italy, depending on your current residence address.

For information related to the Italian Electronic Identity Card (CIE), click here.

In certain cases, the Consulate may issue an ETD (Emergency Travel Document). For further information, kindly check the relevant page of this website.

Modello denuncia furto/smarrimento documenti.