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Subordinate Work Visa

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you need to request a Schengen Visa and you landed to this page directly from an internet search, please stop reading now, and go to the main page of the Schengen Visa Section which contains crucial information about the process to request a Visa in this Consulate General.

Immigration to Italy of foreign citizens for work reasons, even for short stays (up tp 90 days), is regulated by the Consolidated Law on Immigration according to the principle of flow planning, except for the cases provided for by art. 27 in favour of work entries for special cases, 27 quater (Blue Card, for highly qualified workers) and 27 quinquies (entries in the context of intra-corporate transfers).

The main instrument for managing flows is the “Decreto Flussi” (decree on flows) provided for by art. 3, paragraph 4 of the Consolidated Law, which establishes the number of foreigners who can enter Italy for work reasons, including entries for permanent, fixed-term or seasonal employment activities.

The granting of visas for work reasons, both in the cases falling within the decree on flows and in the special cases outside of flows pursuant to art. 27, 27 quater and 27 quinquies and Law 103/2002 on teachers of foreign schools and universities operating in Italy, require the prior issuance, by the one-stop shop for immigration (SUI), of a work permit.


Click on the items below and read carefully. 

Documents required to apply
  1. Proof of residence within the Toronto consular jurisdiction area: domestic utility bill or driver’s license (original and a photocopy).
  2. For non-Canadians, proof of legal residence in Canada: Canadian permanent residence card or visa valid for at least three months after the date of re-entry (original and a photocopy).
  3. For travelers not returning to Canada after leaving the Schengen area: relevant visa or travel document authorizing entry into the Country of destination, and a photocopy.
  4. Electronic Schengen Visa application form, carefully and correctly completed and signed. Please ensure that you leave no blank spaces. If a question does not apply to you, enter N/A (not applicable). Be sure to print the form in high resolution.
  5. One recent passport-size colour photo (must have been taken less than six months before the application), size 35mm x 40mm, full-face and light coloured background. The face must be correctly centred and must be seen from a front view, with both sides visible. Styled poses (looking over one shoulder, head bowed etc.) are not allowed. The head must be free of all headgear, no hats, scarves, headbands or other decorative objects.
  6. Your passport, which must be valid for at least 3 months after the visa expiry date, as well as photocopies of the first 2 pages and of visas previously issued, if any. Furthermore, there must be at least two blank pages in the passport.
  7. Prepaid Xpresspost post envelope (or any other Courier service prepaid and self addressed envelope) with your address already filled (TO) and the Address of the consulate as sender (FROM), with a photocopy to return your passport. Please be aware that the Consulate does not take responsibility for applications, passports or money order lost by the postal/courier services.
  8. The visa fee paid in Canadian dollars. Visa fees can be paid at the counter, preferably by Canadian debit card (credit cards cannot be accepted) or alternatively in cash or through money order/bank draft payable to the Consulate General of Italy in Toronto (Canadian dollars only). Because of the fluctuation of the exchange rate, the type of visa and duration of stay, the fees are subject to change. Please refer to the dedicated page on this website.
  9. A copy of your round trip flight reservation or ticket and full itinerary. Buying your ticket in advance does not ensure that a visa will be issued.
  10. Hotel booking for each day of your stay in the Schengen area stating number of reservation, name of the applicant, address and telephone number of the hotel, OR letter of invitation
    (declaration of hospitality), signed by the person inviting, plus a copy of his/her ID (in case of person without Italian citizenship, copy of his/her Italian permanent residence permit, ‘’ Permesso di soggiorno’’).
  11. Nulla Osta (entry clearance) to be requested by the employer and already issued by the competent Italian immigration desk authority (Ufficio SUI della Prefettura – Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione). The applicant must have a photocopy of the entry clearance before applying for the visa.
  12. Job contract (“contratto di soggiorno per lavoro”).
  13. If not stated in the contract, proof that the applicant has accommodation in Italy (hotel booking, declaration of hospitality (letter of invitation signed by the person inviting, plus a copy of his/her ID (in case of person without Italian citizenship, copy of his/her Italian permanent residence permit, ‘’ Permesso di soggiorno’’)

How to apply 

You MUST book an appointment through the web portal Prenot@mi.

If you cannot find any available time slots on Prenot@mi, we suggest that you log in after a few hours or in one or two days and, in general, we advise to check regularly (particularly around 6pm Toronto time) for available slots as the situation my change quickly.
Please, read carefully our FAQ Section as it may contain useful information related to bookings.

Visa Fees 

Visa fees are periodically updated due to currency exchange fluctuations. You can find the updated list of consular fees here.
Please, be aware: the Consulate General of Italy in Toronto does not rely on any outsourcing agency for visa services.
Appointments can be booked only via Prenot@mi and they are always free of charge.

If someone asks you for money claiming that they can book an appointment at the Consulate for you, it is a scam.