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Apostille for Notarial Deeds to be effective or enforced in Italy

As of January 11, 2024, the Hague Convention on the Apostille has come into effect in Canada.

Canadian Authorities have change the procedures for authenticating Canadian certificates and documents to be used abroad.

In many cases, the double step (Global Affairs Canada or Provincial Service authentication and Consulate legalization) is no longer be necessary; instead, the Apostille certificate issued by the relevant Canadian offices is sufficient.

As of January 1, 2025, the Consulate General of Italy in Toronto does not legalise any longer Canadian vital records or signatures of lawyers and notaries public on notarial deeds drawn-up in Italian. For information on the end of legalisation activities of the Consulate click here.

Click on the item below for information on how to apply for the Apostille certificate, if you need a Canadian notarial deed to be recognized/enforced in Italy. Please, bear in mind that the Consulate is NOT responsible for the Apostille.


As of January 11, 2024, the Convention of The Hague on the Apostille has come into effect in Canada. This means that Global Affairs Canada and Provincial Authentication Services will no longer authenticate public documents or other notarized private documents. Instead, they will issue an Apostille (a certificate that will accompany the original document it refers to). The Apostille eliminates steps required to get documents accepted in countries where the convention is in effect (including Italy). As an example, if a document carries the apostille, the legalization by the Consulate General of Italy will no longer be required.

Therefore, in case of notarial deeds drawn up in English or French by lawyers and notaries operating in Canada to then be enforced in Italy, the applicant must apply for the Apostille.

A list of lawyers and notaries public operating in this Consular jurisdiction, provided for information only, can be found here.

Please click on the links under letter a) or b), based on the location in which your deed will be notarized.

a) If a document has been issued by the Authorities of Manitoba or North West Territories or if it has been notarized by Manitoba or NWT Authorities, the Apostille will be issued by Global Affairs Canada. 
Click here for information on the procedure to apply for an Apostille issued by Global Affairs Canada.

b) If a document has been issued or notarized in Ontario, the request for an Apostille will have to be sent to the Ministry for Public and Business Service Delivery of Ontario.
Click here for information on the procedure to apply for an Apostille issued by MPSBD Ontario.

If a document carries the Apostille, it does not require further legalization by this Consulate.

Please, note: there is no need to have the Apostille certificate translated into Italian.

The Consulate General takes no part in the Canadian apostille process.

If the notarial deed has to be translated into Italian, the Consulate can legalise translations carried out by ATIO certified translators whose signature is on file with this Consulate (list available here).  Please note that a consular fee is due for the legalization of translators’ signature (art. 69 of the Consular Fee).

If you wish to contact a translator not registered with our Consulate, you may do so but, in order for that translation to be used/recognized in Italy:

  1. You will have to have the translation notarized by a notary public/lawyer operating in Canada;
  2. Following point 1, you will have to apply for the Apostille issued either by Global Affairs Canada or by the Official Documents Service of Ontario, based on where your translation is notarized.

Once your translation is apostilled, no further legalization of the Consulate will be required.

Please, note that notarial deeds drawn-up in languages other than Italian can also be translated in Italy. It is not mandatory that the deed be translated into Italian in Canada.