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“Excellence: Italian Main Industrial Sectors”, una pubblicazione per valorizzare i primati del Made in Italy

Excellence – Italian Main Industrial Sectors è una pubblicazione in lingua inglese realizzata dalla Direzione Generale per la Promozione del Sistema Paese della Farnesina che offre un quadro d’insieme sui principali settori produttivi del sistema economico italiano, in termini di analisi, posizionamento e confronto con i principali competitors.

L’iniziativa che si inquadra nell’ambito delle attività di Informazione e Formazione promosse dalla Farnesina nel quadro della strategia del Patto per l’Export risponde all’esigenza di creare uno strumento agile e di facile consultazione per promuovere e valorizzare all’estero le eccellenze italiane non solo nei settori tradizionalmente di punta, ma anche in quelli meno noti della ricerca, dell’industria culturale e creativa e del turismo. Tredici i settori passati in rassegna nella brochure: dalla meccanica al settore tessile-moda, dal comparto delle rinnovabili all’agroalimentare fino ad arrivare ai primati nell’industria del turismo, l’Università, l’innovazione e la Ricerca.



Indirizzo di saluto del Sottosegretario Manlio Di Stefano

Italy is not only a cultural super power and home to world-renowned fashion brands and exquisite food products, but also a world leader in many important sectors – inter alia – construction and infrastructure, capital goods, design, pharmaceuticals, biomedical products and aerospace technologies. Along the centuries Italy has been able to combine tradition and innovation,through manufacturing processes focused on quality, human relations, respectful of the environment, of a given life style and consumption in particular a sustainable use of resources. Thanks to such unique combination, Italy is not only competitive on global markets but also the 8th biggest world economy and the 4th biggest economy in Europe. Italy has the second largest manufacturing base in Europe (after Germany) with a strong integration in the EU value chain. This small brochure presents some interesting records – often little known or underestimated — held by our Country, useful in providing a better understanding of Italy to foreign institutions as well as entrepreneurs and business associations. These data represent the fundamental drivers supporting our economy and a lever to promote of our companies at international level. Our strategy includes not only trade in high quality products, but also long-terminvestments and structured cooperation, through industrial partnerships in strategic sectors and through the transfer of technology and know-how. In other words, we do not simply offer “Made in Italy” but also “Made with Italy”. Thanks to its experience and the unique features of its productive fabric, Italy can support other countries in achieving a model of sustainable development, in several sectors. Italy can be a strong and reliable partner on the path towards a long a sustainable future.

  • Under Secretary Affairs
  • and Secretary of State for Foreign Affair
  • and International Cooperation



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